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$10.99 - $12.49
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Product Specs

Black Nickel, Copper, Gold, Light Pink, Silver, Radiant Brown, Painted Black, Painted Pink, Fluorescent Orange, Radiant Orange
2.5mm, 3.0mm, 3.5mm, 4.0mm, 5.0mm
20 Count, 15 Count, 10 Count

Jig Bombs are the solution to add more weight to your files. The trend of oversizing beads to add more weight means that tyers lose shank length and are limited to what hooks they can use.

The unique teardrop shape of the Bombs means they are about 20% heavier than a standard slotted bead while keeping 15% more hook shank to create a body with.

All of this means that flies maintain great proportions and drop into the zone and stay there.The unique design of the Jig Bomb’s will flip any hook and turn it into a Jig and of course it works beautifully on all jig hooks.

These Bombs are built into our specialized collection of flats flies called Survive Entry, so the sky is the limit with creativity. Available in 2.5mm-5.0mm and a rainbow of colors.Jig Bombs are the standard to which all other beads are measured against.

•Turns any hook into a jig

•Flies ride hook point up

•20% heavier that slotted counter parts

•Covers less hooks shank when oversizing beads

•Non Tarnish Finish